When you consider your oral checkup and go to a Dental hospital in Frankston¸ you probably encounter two professionals taking care of your issues, Dental hygienist and dentist.
Dental hygienist
A dental hygienist is an expert who initially examines your oral health. They do not diagnose problems related to your gums or tooth rather documents the problems. They document changes in your health and medication, polish and clean your teeth, discussing about teeth and gum care and answering your questions.
The dentist also examines your teeth and gums, asking you about the changes in your health or medication, reviewing the cleaning committed by the hygienist, looking for oral cancer signs, diagnosing oral problems and recommending proper treatment.
Though we do brush and floss everyday which helps removing plaque, a professional cleaning is something that is more efficient in this context, cleaning your teeth, removing the hardened plaque thoroughly.
After cleaning, the hygienist or dentist will polish your teeth using fluoride and an abrasive element, removing stains and plaque from the surface of your teeth.
Your hygienist a dental hospital in Frankston may instruct you how to maintain the overall oral health at home. Feel free to ask any questions you have in your mind like how brush or floss properly and which home care product you can use etc.